Why Some Relationships Will Never Transition Into Long Term Commitment

Why Some Relationships Will Never Transition Into Long Term Commitment

Sometimes the people we choose as lovers are not meant to be long term, committed partners. It’s futile to keep beating yourself up if the transition never happens. Don’t blame yourself for the difficulty that may occur if you try and it’s not working out. What makes it even more confusing and difficult is that intense sexual and physical bonding with a lover triggers our emotional attachment system. After physical intimacy that feels amazing, connected and deeply satisfying, we can naturally desire to keep our lover close. This is a sign of your attachment system working to try to create a securely attached bond - which is totally normal!

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The Anxiety of Being in Love With Someone Who is Emotionally Distant

The Anxiety of Being in Love With Someone Who is Emotionally Distant

There’s a pit in your stomach that doesn’t seem to go away.

You’re always exhausted, but sleep doesn’t help and insomnia is your norm.

You try to do things to distract the feelings: watch movies, go out, exercise voraciously, take long walks, immerse yourself in work and working late, but you’re always aware of that sinking feeling of worry and quiet despair brewing.

Your throat and chest feel tight.

Your body feels heavy with the weight of worry.

You get used to your stomach hurting, in knots, a clamping down.

You are keenly aware of your phone, keeping it close at all times, waiting for a message, on alert for the vibrate feeling in your pocket or the comforting ding sound. Anything. Just to feel calm again. That everything is alright. To know that you avoided disaster. To feel: I’m still wanted.

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Why Dating Is Harder When You Have An Anxious Attachment Style And What You Can do About It

Why Dating Is Harder When You Have An Anxious Attachment Style And What You Can do About It

Is dating feeling like a rollercoaster of emotions and constant anxiety rather than about the fun of meeting new people? Do you go on dates, get really excited about the person you just met, only to be filled with doubt, preoccupied about getting a call back or if you will be rejected? Do you constantly wonder how you can keep someone’s interest or think about ways that you can change yourself to make yourself more attractive to someone to get their full attention? If so you most likely have an Anxious Attachment style.

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