4 Mindfulness Skills For Getting Through Uncertainty

4 Mindfulness Skills For Getting Through Uncertainty

Living with the stress of prolonged uncertainty takes a toll on physical and mental well-being. Even if it’s not pandemic-level uncertainty, every day we bump up against low-grade uncertainties that can amp-up anxiety if we don’t build up our coping-skills toolbox.

To get through uncertain times, we often adopt less effective skills and strategies to cope that can be unhealthy. These often self-sabotaging coping skills can side-track us from our goals and can damage our most important relationships —and out health and wellbeing….

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Impermanence / The waking up

Impermanence / The waking up

It’s starting to happen: the waking up. It happens when you really, truly know how temporary everything in your life is. How life as you know it can change in a flash. When this happens, suddenly nothing can be taken for granted ever again. Magic is everywhere, and the path to joy and happiness is readily accessible.

The waking up to impermanence can happen on your own over time with wisdom and quiet reflection, a guide (such as a friend, lover or child or even a pet) may enter your life and wake you up, or a life altering event may happen that jolts this truth into your blood, bones and breath….

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