How To Go from "I Want Him Back" to Moving on

How To Go from "I Want Him Back" to Moving on

You wish you could just make him see what he lost. You fantasize about getting him back, him calling or texting to reconnect. He’ll once again shower you with attention and you’ll go on the travels and adventures you always talked about. The thoughts are often uncontrollable now and you give in to them because it’s the only thing left to hold onto. All of the excitement comes rushing back as you imagine laying together on the beach, holding hands as you explore new cities together, talking and talking into the early hours of the morning. Even just imagining lazy days in bed with nowhere to go fills you with a kind of hope that gives you something that feels important, meaningful, something to live for?

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Why "You Need To Be Alone" After A Break Up Is Bad Advice

Why "You Need To Be Alone" After A Break Up Is Bad Advice

When a significant attachment is severed, comfort is required. Sure, pets, even your kids can help. But nothing can really fill in that gap of the closeness required other than another human we are specially bonded to. This is why it is so hard to stay away from someone you love when you are hurting, why you want to go back to the person who broke your heart, and why trying to follow the advice of being alone after a break up seldom works.

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