Help - I've Hit ‘A Dark Night Of the Soul’ In My Relationship

A Dark Night of The Soul In A Relationship

A Dark Night of the Soul in a relationship can derail you. It can build up quietly over months or years or jolt you awake suddenly. All at once, you may question your entire foundation. The questions of Staying or Leaving become involuntary thoughts you bounce between, day and night, then night into day that go up and down with your emotions and moods.

It can be hard to disclose what you are going through, even to close friends - the murky and ambiguous territory you feel stuck in.

Do you say to yourself:

No one will understand what I’m going through.

I feel so alone in this and I can’t talk about it with my partner.

I’m afraid to be alone or make the wrong decision.

I’m tired of feeling stuck in this way but don’t know which way to go.

Why do I feel like I’m in a spiritual crisis?

How long is this going to last?

I’ll never get out of this.

Questioning your relationship, choices and confronting what you need, what you’re not getting or what hurts can bring up shame, confusion, fear and major discomfort. Avoiding the problem or issues can prolong suffering. Abandonment wounds can resurface at even the thought of loss or change. You might find yourself clinging to an old shell of a relationship, even if the people inside have changed. Even if that person, is you.

If you feel like you might be going through a Dark Night in a relationship, I’ve been there. I can help bring some light and tools to help you get through and out. There’s light on the other side.

Contact me for a free session below.

