When It's More Than A Crush

It can start out as an innocent interest and attraction to someone. That quickening butterflies in the stomach feeling that flutters to your heart when you see them or they come to mind.

Then… for some of us, this feeling can crystallize (often without warning) into feelings that make the word “crush” feel too trivial and even childish. You wonder if this is what love really is or is supposed to feel like — everything you touch feels like it could catch fire with the passion you feel. Involuntary thoughts of the person take over and life warps into something of an up and down cycle that feels more like addiction than “love.”


You may realize that you’re familiar with this feeling and can recall several or many limerence events through your life. This can also be a new experience that’s derailed you. If you’re looking for a way to better understand what’s happening while getting your life back on track, I’m here to help.

Not everyone knows the lived experience of limerence: the ups and downs, the glorious highs and depleting lows. I’ve been in, out, stuck and through limerence and want to share my pro coaching tools and all that I’ve learned to help you on your healing journey.

Click below to schedule a 30 minute session.

