Transforming Regret into Motivation


Regret is complicated. It feels similar to grief, but pulls at our hearts from a different angle. It combines elements of loss, grief, anger, disappointment, shame, sadness and despair all into one. It can recede, only to pop back up again when triggered by a sense memory or seeing someone else accomplish a dream or goal you once held for yourself, for example. Feelings of unresolved regret mixed in with guilt and negative self-talk can lead to depression and lack of motivation in life when met with challenges in the present moment and when looking at decisions to make for the future.

By focusing too much attention on “if only” and “what might have beens”, we can emotionally imprison and berate ourselves into a state of stuck-ness. Looking through a lens of past regrets, we can begin to stop trusting ourselves to be able to make new decisions or life choices.

No matter where you are at now, you don’t have to stay in a state of regret paralysis.

Regret can also be used to move yourself forward. Used constructively, it can help you learn more about yourself and what is important to you now. Through a lens of curiosity you can begin to reclaim the energy and motivation to take informed risks based on your personal and unique needs & values (what’s most important to you) and go towards your goals and desires with confidence and excitement.

It’s possible to move from the heaviness of regret and that feeling of “wasted time” or “lost chances” to exploring new interests or beginning new ventures and adventures that will bring new meaning into your life.

I’m working with a limited number of new clients on a new process for Transforming Regret into Motivation.

If this resonates with you, contact me to set up a time to speak!

With love,
