The Path of Transformation and Accepting your Unique Gifts

Spiritual and personal development is not linear. Who are you now and who are you still becoming?


Years of psychotherapy lead me to coaching. Therapy was helpful for healing the past, but at a certain point, I needed more. 

I needed a process to expose my contradictions, limiting beliefs about myself and to help me fully see and accept the unique gifts I was hiding and not fully sharing with the world. Inspired to help others with this process, I became a transformational life coach and yoga teacher. I am a guide to support you and help uncover your gifts that are unique only to you and to help you integrate them into your life, career and relationships. Coaching is present-future focused. Psychotherapy is mostly past focused. Working in the now, you still bring all of who you are, which includes your past. All of your experiences up to now are what makes you whole and unique. No matter what age or stage of personal development you are at, you are still changing and growing.

Is there something more? You followed the path you thought you should take, the 'right' way, perhaps what was expected of you up to this point in your life. You followed your head, not your heart. You took the safe route or, not fully recognizing your gifts, took any route, not fully aware of all of your options. Now, at a crossroads, nothing seems to fit or make sense. A deep unrest of the soul, heart and an inner agitation is rising. Underneath, a well of untapped creative potential yet to be expressed and life to be experienced tugs at you. 

Where do I go from here? You are going through an inner spiritual shift that you are trying to make sense of or you have experienced a life-changing event with a clear before and after. Life on the outside may be business as usual, but internally, where you are now is NOT where you were a year ago or even a few months ago. You may be asking yourself... Where do I go from here? What now? 

Who am I, really? Accepting and seeing the unique gifts we have is often a spiritual process and personal evolution. As we grow and develop, our gifts and talents do as well, with some only developing and coming to our consciousness later in life. For many of us, our full gifts do not appear at 17 or 18 or even in our 20's when we are sent off into the world on our own, expected to know who we are and what to do with our lives. We could be thrown into jobs, careers or relationships not even knowing if it's fully something we want, but rather thinking it's something we should want to do. Complicating matters, the gifts we are here to share with the world, even if aware of them, may not be what fits into a nice little box with a bow and we may be at a loss as to how to apply them in the real world. We may not be ready to access them until we’re really ready and this is not an overnight process. Shame and wanting to belong rather than stand out can also keep us from fully claiming and accepting our authentic self.

Coming to accept and incorporating your unique gifts in your life is a very personal process that has its own timeline. You may not even know what your gift or gifts are yet, only that it feels like a powerful inner stirring, that there is something more to be uncovered in you or discovered. If what you have to share is not what was expected of you by family or friends, or is different from how you see yourself or know yourself, it can create an internal resistance and struggle that dampens down your innate creativity and life energy. You may even be full of doubt and push away any signs or urgings. Anxiety, depression, addiction and feeling incurably stuck are common for those of us who have gifts that we are not fully owning, developing or expressing.

Where you are right now in realizing and accepting your personal gifts is unique to you. As a transformational coach, I am a guide to support you along your journey and help uncover who you are becoming so that your gifts may be fully realized. There are unseen possibilities yet to be uncovered....and I invite you to explore who you are becoming and the unique gifts you have and are here to share.

With love,
